Bridging the Carbon Cycle at Nano- and Mountain-Scales

A paper published!

Wang, Xiang, Adrian A. Wackett, Brandy M. Toner, and Kyungsoo Yoo. “Consistent Mineral-Associated Organic Carbon Chemistry with Variable Erosion Rates in a Mountainous Landscape.” Geoderma 405 (January 2022): 115448.

Below is from our department news: To understand the carbon cycle at the scale of mountains, SWAC researchers looked at nano scale interactions between minerals and organic carbon. Conventional wisdom says that erosion rates have a large impact on soil carbon chemistry, but a collaboration between geochemists and soil scientists has led to interesting discoveries: a new study found that the chemistry was consistent, regardless of the erosion rate in these mountainous regions. “We are learning a lot of new things by bridging the two scales,” says Prof. Kyungsoo Yoo.


Kyungsoo Yoo gave a lightning talk at SWC Dept. Seminar


Azucena receives Soil and Water Conservation Scholarship from SSSA