New paper published: Invasive earthworms alter forest soil microbiomes and nitrogen cycling

Jang, Jeonghwan, Xianyi Xiong, Chang Liu, Kyungsoo Yoo, and Satoshi Ishii. “Invasive Earthworms Alter Forest Soil Microbiomes and Nitrogen Cycling.” Soil Biology and Biochemistry 171 (August 2022): 108724.

A figure from the paper. Nitrogen cycling in the forest soil influenced by earthworm invasion. Red and blue arrows indicate the genes that increased and decreased their relative abundances by earthworm invasion, respectively, based on Spearman's correlation analysis of the shotgun metagenomics reads (p < 0.05). Black solid arrows indicate the genes that did not change their abundance by earthworm invasion. Black dashed arrows indicate the genes that were not detected. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)


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Digging in on invasive earthworms