Profs. Kyungsoo Yoo & Julie Grossman receive a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Grant

This grant will assist Azucena’s work on indigenous mountain farming in Oaxaca and Veracruz, Mexico.

Below is from our department news: Prof. Kyungsoo Yoo and Prof. Julie Grossman (Horticulture faculty member) were selected by the Institute on the Environment to receive a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Grant. Their project is one of three that received funding.

DEIJ and Sustainability of Indigenous Mountain Farmers: An Online Community Building and a Shareable Teaching Module Development

The co-Principal Investigators, along with LAAS graduate student Azucena Sierra Garcia, will collaborate with international scholars and Indigenous farmers from mountainous regions. 

Azucena with women farmers in Mexico.


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